This is my Global Learning experience!
CSO & RSO Council
In my third year at FIU, I applied to be a part of the Council for Student Organizations (CSO) in order to be more directly involved in streamlining the beareucratic processes to which student organizations adhere. Though I initially applied to be Vice President (VP), I was selected as the Marketing Director despite having no social media marketing experience. In my time there, I learned the ins and outs of Instagram marketing growing our follower count exponentially. I also gained event planning skills as I helped coordinate the themes, decor, and giveaways for our bi-annual Club Fairs. Within a few months, I was promoted to VP but continued to do my marketing duties alongside the responsibilities of my new role. As VP, I checked the forms that student organizations submitted to qualify for extra funding and I represented the Council in the President's absence. Due to my extensive experience, I was able to apply for the President position for the 2020-2021 academic year and secured the role.
However, everything would soon change. We began talking about merging the MMC-based CSO with BBC campus's Student Organizations Council (SOC). Both (small and understaffed) teams worked tirelessly through the Summer and Fall semesters while in quarantine to streamline processes and merge both councils' policies and procedures. Together, we formed the Registered Student Organizations (RSO) Council. My experiences in these organizations improved my management and organizational skills beyond what I could have imagined. Plus, I made lifelong friends through these Councils that I never could have imagined. CSO and RSOC made my dreams of finding a home on-campus a reality.